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REAL FACT OF TAJ MAHAL (tejo mahalaya)

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Real fact about taj mahal (tejo mahalaya)

                                     Descriptions of the Photographs

                                                  of the Taj Mahal

Photo # 1: An aerial view of the Taj Mahal alias Tejo Mahalaya

  •  Ancient Hindu temple complex in Agra.
  •  For the last 300 years the world has been fooled to believe that this stupendous edifice was built by the 5th generation Mogul emperor Shahjahan to commemorate one of his dead wives–Mumtaz.
  •  The two flanking buildings although identical, only the one in the rear is known as a mosque. 

Photo # 2: This is the massive octagonal well with palatial apartments along its seven stories. 
  • A royal staircase descends right down to the water level indicated by the tiny white patch showing the sun’s reflection. This was the traditional treasury well of the Hindu temple palace. 
  • Treasure chests used to be stacked in the lower stories. 
  • Accountants, cashiers and treasurers sat in the upper stories. Cheques called handies used to be issued from here.
  •  On being besieged, if the building had to be surrendered to the enemy, the treasure used to be pushed into the water for salvage later after recapture. For real research, water should be pumped out of this well to reveal the evidence that lies at the bottom. 
  • This well is inside a tower near the so-called mosque to the west of the marble Taj. Had the Taj been a mausoleum this octagonal multistoried well would have been superfluous.  

Photo # 3: A frontal view of the Taj Mahal alias Tejo Mahalaya in Agra 
  •  It is octagonal because the Hindus believe in 10 directions.
  • Hence in Hindu tradition, buildings connected with royalty and divinity must have some octagonal features or the buildings themselves should be octagonal. The two flanking cupolas (two others to the rear are not seen in this photo) are also identical.
  • Hindu wedding altars and Satyanarayan worship altars invariably have such towers at corners. [Many other Hindu temples, such as those at Khajurao, also can be found to have four towers or temples, one at each corner of the temple foundation.] 
  •  The lotus flower cap on the head of the dome is a Hindu feature.

     Photo # 4: The dome of the Taj Mahal bearing a trident pinnacle made of a non-rusting eight-metal Hindu alloy. 
  •  This pinnacle has been blindly assumed by many to be an Islamic crescent and star, or a lightning conductor installed by the British. 
  • This is a measure of the careless manner in which Indian history has been studied till now. 
  • The flower top of the dome, below the pinnacle, is an unmistakable Hindu sign. A full scale figure of this pinnacle is inlaid in the eastern courtyard.

  Photo # 5: A close up of the upper portion of the pinnacle of the Taj Mahal, photographed from the parapet beneath the dome
  • The Hindu horizontal crescent and the coconut top together look like a trident from the garden level.
  • Islamic crescents are always oblique, Moreover they are almost always complete circles leaving a little opening for a star. 
  • he word “Allah” etched here by Shahjahan is absent in the courtyard replica, The coconut, the bent mango leaves under it and the supporting Kalash (water pot) are exclusive Hindu motifs.

Photo # 6: The apex of the lofty entrance arch on all four sides of the Taj Mahal 
  • Bears this red lotus and white trident–indicating that the building originated as a Hindu temple.
  •  The Koranic lettering forming the middle strip was grafted after Shahjahan seized the building from Jaipur state’s Hindu ruler.

Photo # 7: This is a riverside view of the Taj Mahal.
  • The four storied marble structure above has under it these two stories reaching down to the river level.
  • The 22 rooms shown in other photos are behind that line of arches seen in the middle.
  • Just above the ground level is the plinth. In the left corner of the plinth is a doorway indicating inside the plinth are many rooms sealed by Shahjahan. 
  • One could step out to the river bank from the door at the left , The 7th storey is surmised to be under the plinth below the ground because every ancient Hindu mansion had a basement. Excavation to reach the basement chamber should start under this door.

Photo # 8: Most people content to see Mumtaz’s grave inside the Taj fail to go to the rear riverside. 
  • This is the riverside view. From here one may notice that the four-storied marble structure on top has below it two more stories in red stone. 
  • Note the window aperture in the arch at the left. That indicates that there are rooms inside. Inside the row of arches in the upper part of the wall are 22 rooms. 
  • In addition to the four stories in marble, this one shows red stone arches in the 5th storey. The 6th storey lies in the plinth in the lower portion of the photo. In another photo a doorway would be seen in the left corner of the plinth, indicating the presence of apartments inside, from where one could emerge on the river for a bath.

Photo # 10: This Naqqar Khana alias Music House in the Taj Mahal garden 
  • an incongruity if the Taj Mahal were an Islamic tomb. Close by on the right is the building which Muslims claim to be a mosque.
  • The proximity of a mosque to the Music House is incongruous with Muslim tradition. In India, Muslims have a tradition of pelting stones on Hindu music processions passing over a mosque.
  • Moreover a mausoleum needs silence.
  • Who would then provide a band house for a dead Mumtaz?
  • Contrarily Hindu temples and palaces have a music house because morning and evening Hindu chores begin to the sweet strains of sacred music.

Photo # 11: Such are the rooms on the 1st floor of the marble structure of the Taj Mahal.
  • The two staircases leading to this upper floor are kept locked and barred since Shahjahan’s time.
  • The floor and the marble walls of such upper floor rooms can be seen in the picture to have been stripped of its marble panels. Shahjahan used that uprooted marble from the upper floor for constructing graves and engraving the Koran because he did not know wherefrom to procure marble matching the splendour of the rest of the Taj Mahal. 
  •  He was also so stingy as not to want to spend much even on converting a robbed Hindu temple into an Islamic mausoleum.

Photo # 12: Such are the magnificent marble-paved, shining, cool, white bright rooms of the Taj Mahal temple palace’s marble ground floor.
  • Even the lower third portion of the walls is covered with magnificent marble mosaic. The doorway at the left looks suspiciously closed with a stone slab.   
  • One can perambulate through these rooms around the central octagonal sanctorum, now occupied by Mumtaz’s fake grave. 
  • Therefore, Shahjahan had to raise two graves in the name of Mumtaz–one in the marble basement and the other on the ground floor to desecrate and hide both the Shiva emblems from public view. [The famous Shiva temple in Ujjain also has an underground chamber for one of its Shiva-lingam.]

Photo # 13: This is the Dhatura flower essential for Hindu Shiva worship.

  • The flower is depicted in the shape of the sacred, esoteric Hindu incantation ‘OM.’ 
  •  Embossed designs of this blooming ‘OM’ are drawn over the exterior of the octagonal central sanctorum of Shiva where now a fake grave in Mumtaz’s has been planted. 
  •  While perambulating around the central chamber one may see such ‘OM’ designs.

Photo # 14: One of the 22 rooms in the secret storey underneath the marble plinth of the Taj Mahal.
  •  Many such features of the Taj remain unknown to the public so long as they see it only as a tomb.
  • If the public knew how much it is missing in the Taj Mahal it will insist that the government unseal its many stories.
  • Two doorways at either end of this corridor in the right side wall leading to inner apartments have been sealed by Shahjahan. 
  • If those doorways are opened, important evidence concealed inside by Shahjahan may come to light.

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