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Rats Temple

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 The Goddess Karna Mata was a part of the Charin clan in her lifetime.  She lived to be 150 years old and remained young and beautiful. After her death, she became a rat.  The followers of the Charin believe that once they die, they too will be reincarnated as a rat and subsequently, when a rat dies, it will be reincarnated as a human again .

And so the cycle continues

These holy rodents are revered by their followers as the Charin People believe that  the rats are their ancestors.

 Worshippers make pilgrimages to the Karni Mata Temple not only to worship the rats, but to also heal their ailments.

  The white rat

It is considered lucky to spot a white rat and we managed to see one scamper around the grounds. I understand why it is so difficult to spot one though, the minute it comes out of hiding, hoards of tourists and pilgrims chase after it to catch a glimpse.  It isn’t long before it runs back into a hole in the wall.

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