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Musical Bird Found In India

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                 INCREDIBLY MUSICAL

A new species bird has been discovered in the snow capped mountain in himalayas in india .

1 .A new bird has been named as the Himalayan Forest  Thrush

2 . It is mostly found in the northeastern india

3 . The secientific name of the bird is zoothera "salimalii"

4 . The Himalayan forest Thrust is a variant of the plain backed Thrust and the European Apine Thrust

5 . Professor per johan Alstrom, a former member of the Uppsala University in Sweden, first noticed the distinctive call of the Himalayan Forest Thrush back in 1999, during a trip to Arunachal Pradesh

6 . Alstrom, along with his Indian colleague Shashank Dalvi, noticed the two distinctive variants of the Plain Backed Thrush that occurred at different elevations of the mountains

7 . One set of the bird sang a harsh tune sitting above tree line of the forest, while the other set of the bird churned out a tuneful call sitting below the tree line

8 .  He collected samples of birds of India and China from the 15 museums around the world and studied them for several years

9 .  The study of birds also included DNA tests that confirmed the difference between the two species. The two species evolved differently to adapt with the different conditions of the peaks and the mountain forests

10 . During their trips to India and China, Alstrom has also found a Chinese sub-species of the Himalayan Forest Thrush and named it as the Sichuan Forest Thrush.

what a sweet tone :

What first caught the scientists’ attention was that the plain-backed thrush in the coniferous and mixed forest had a rather musical song, but birds found in the same area — but on bare rocky ground above the treeline — had a much harsher, scratchier, ‘unmusical’ song

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