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Facts about Ganges pollution

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      Facts about  Ganges  polloution 

  • Apporximately 1 billon liters of raw ,untreated  sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis . The amount has more than doubled in last 20 year  and expert predict and another100% increase in follwing 20 years .

  • The rapid explosion of indian's  pollution in the last 25 year coupled with lax regulations on industry has put a huge strain on the river leading to an explosion in ganges rivers pollution .


    Below: sewage pouring into the ganges , varanasi 2010

     A  route to  heaven  and  a  highway  of  flesh


    Below: Sewage pouring into the Ganges, Varanasi 2009 - See more at: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html#sthash.aXva4mtf.dpuf
  •   One of the more alarming issuses facing everbody remotely related  to the river are the died bodies of both human and cattle which serenely float by almost completely unnoticed , or perphaps consciously igroned by busy bathers hoping to purfiy their souls .

     The bodies are released into the river with a hope that the soul will be saved and be immdiately recevied byheaven .

    Right : A body washed up on the bank near varanasi 


        Ganges pollution and the nectar of god


    One of  the biggest reasons why the river has quite literally been shat upon in past 20 year is because good old fashioned human denial and igorance .

    The problem has been allowed to esclate to the dangerously hogh proportion we have today because of that fact that hindus simply do not want to accpet  that their "mother ganga "


    Below : A human body passes while a man washes in the river varanasi 


        Ganges river pollution and industry


    some to the main ganges river pollution contributors are those in indusrty - specifically in this case those of the leather industry who use vaste amount of chromium and other toxins and checmical-majority of which ends up in the placed water  of the gange during dry season  .


     Below : chromium pollutes the gange turing the toxic and poisonous 


      Consequences of  ganges  river  pollution 

     Now this problem  are huge on their own but couple with this fact that indian's holiest river , thousands of pilligrmage site with tens of thousands of pilligrims entering the city  ever to bathe ,wash , sip and drinking the water .

    The river is now a leading cause of inflant and child mortaliy rates, skin problems and some more , serious disabillities .

    The yamuna river , the main contributer to the has been completely  devoid of all water and sea life for past 15 year !  


Approximately 1 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis. The amount has more than doubled in the last 20 years and experts predict another 100% increase in the following 20 years. - See more at: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html#sthash.aXva4mtf.dpuf 
Approximately 1 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis. The amount has more than doubled in the last 20 years and experts predict another 100% increase in the following 20 years. - See more at: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html#sthash.aXva4mtf.dpuf
Approximately 1 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis. The amount has more than doubled in the last 20 years and experts predict another 100% increase in the following 20 years. - See more at: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html#sthash.aXva4mtf.dpuf
Approximately 1 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis. The amount has more than doubled in the last 20 years and experts predict another 100% increase in the following 20 years. - See more at: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html#sthash.aXva4mtf.dpuf
Approximately 1 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis. The amount has more than doubled in the last 20 years and experts predict another 100% increase in the following 20 years. - See more at: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html#sthash.aXva4mtf.dpuf
Approximately 1 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis. The amount has more than doubled in the last 20 years and experts predict another 100% increase in the following 20 years. - See more at: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html#sthash.aXva4mtf.dpuf
Approximately 1 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis. The amount has more than doubled in the last 20 years and experts predict another 100% increase in the following 20 years. - See more at: http://www.all-about-india.com/Ganges-River-Pollution.html#sthash.aXva4mtf.dpuf

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